
Kes on Investment Viking?

Investment Viking on Eesti finantsblogide maastikul uus tegija, kes on valinud enda väljendamiseks inglise keele. 2018. aasta juunis kirjutamist alustanud investeerimishuviline on avaldanud oma mõtteid näiteks ühisrahastusest ning kajastanud oma investeerimisteekonda. lehel kajastame Investment Vikingi blogipostituste tõlgitud esimesi lõike. Edasiseks lugemiseks soovitame vajadusel kasutada google translatori abi.


Nimi: Investment Viking

Lühitutvustus: I am 28 years old and only this year found out about the huge world and possibilities of investing (thanks to the nudge of a friend who also started with investing in the past year). I’ll be honest, at first i was overwhelmed by the information and options and i guess that hasn’t really changed. Still, the best way to get into things is by getting straight to the business and so i did.

My first non-real-estate investment in my life was buying some Tallinna Kaubamaja stocks (ticker symbol TKM1T) in the Baltic Stock Exchange. Some of my colleagues hinted it would be a good time to start with it since the price seemed to be nudged down by the IPO of Tallinna Sadam (ticker symbol TSM1T). I guess you could say i got carried away and didn’t stop there. The aforementioned IPO was something i also didn’t want to miss and i secured the minimum guaranteed amount of stocks from it.

I guess the starts of investment careers are kind of boring in the sense that at least I personally like seeing the profit numbers and rejoice with the bloggers themselves if they go up. I won’t leave you without some graphs and numbers though (however simplistic they might be right now).

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